The Next Big Thing! Digital Print.
No one can underscore the importance of social media anymore these days. But what is the purpose of social media? In my opinion, it is to share something unique with the world. And by sharing, you are actually giving. Giving something of value to someone which they would be interested in, and care to know about. To access our Royalty free image resources click here.
Having thought about the effect social media and how I’ve been impacted made me reconsider how we approach some of our product, specifically linings. We’ve had success with our allure linings in particular. They were produced in large quantities at extremely competitive prices, due in large part to the quantities we produced at the factory to leverage economies of scale. No mean feat!I slowly built out a distributor network globally and even started to supply to my competitors, which allowed me to monopolize on this particular item. However, I felt this tactic was dated and would slowly kill the creativity in the market.
Since we also have the capability to digitally print on any fabric, and I launched the service to our mail subscribers just over a year ago. We have a healthy backlog of orders but none of our clients are taking full advantage of the service. Having personally attended to most of the orders, nothing screamed out at me or even had a ‘Wow’ factor.
The majority wanted boring stuff printed, in minimal quantities. One order was for cats in 3 meters. But we had no idea how many cats to include in the 3 meters, so the order was delayed. Another wanted their business logo printed, but provided a low resolution image. More delays! I was starting to think that maybe I should come up with a collection myself. Something that would immediately scream out at you, rather than the plain and boring orders I was seeing.
I was interested to know if any of my competitors were producing interesting prints that I was unaware of, but none of them were. All their prints were extremely corny and cheesy, and didn’t have any relation to the person who would eventually wear those linings. The customer!
Suit linings are much like tattoos. They are representative of the person wearing them, and I wanted to create a collection where I myself could wear it as well. It also helped that I am a tech buff, and wanted cool linings specially designed for geeks like me. What if my jacket opens up and shows a circuit board. Now that’s a cool concept!
The majority wanted boring stuff printed, in minimal quantities. One order was for cats in 3 meters. But we had no idea how many cats to include in the 3 meters, so the order was delayed. Another wanted their business logo printed, but provided a low resolution image. More delays! I was starting to think that maybe I should come up with a collection myself. Something that would immediately scream out at you, rather than the plain and boring orders I was seeing.
I was interested to know if any of my competitors were producing interesting prints that I was unaware of, but none of them were. All their prints were extremely corny and cheesy, and didn’t have any relation to the person who would eventually wear those linings. The customer!
Suit linings are much like tattoos. They are representative of the person wearing them, and I wanted to create a collection where I myself could wear it as well. It also helped that I am a tech buff, and wanted cool linings specially designed for geeks like me. What if my jacket opens up and shows a circuit board. Now that’s a cool concept!
I’ve never been a history buff but I had recently started reading a lot about historical figures, dwelling deep on Albert Einstein, learning about human civilizations, and the rise and fall of several empires. This inspired me to create our newest collection, “Human Civilizations” as we aptly call it – the only suit lining with a story. Not just any story, but our story.
As we produce this first non-traditional suit lining, I’m already designing other prints which will slowly be released from our Digital Printing Lab. Stay tuned!